Our shareholders live a predominately subsistence lifestyle and Azachorok’s vision reflects the values of our ancestors and our people today. Azachorok Inc. intends to develop innovative and diversified businesses opportunities for the benefit of our shareholders. Azachorok also provides advocacy on a variety of issues impacting shareholders, their descendants and our community in efforts toward self-determination
Azachorok, Incorporated is an Alaska Native owned corporation formed after the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971. Azachorok represents approximately 522 shareholders residing in Mountain Village and throughout Alaska. Mountain Village is a predominately Yup’ik village located on the lower Yukon River in Western Alaska in the Kusilvak Census Area, about 20 miles west of St. Mary’s and 450 miles west of Anchorage.

View of Mtn. Village in the spring with Kusilvak Mountains in the background, courtesy of Susie Makaily